It’s true that money does not buy happiness, but it does allow you to retire or rewire on your terms. Retirement may seem like a distant goal when you’re in your 20s, but it’s never too early to start planning for your future. By saving and investing wisely from a young age, you can set yourself up for a comfortable and fulfilling retirement. Here are some reasons why retirement planning should start in your 20s:

– You can take advantage of compound interest. Compound interest is the interest you earn on your initial investment plus the interest you earn on your interest. The longer you invest, the more your money grows exponentially. For example, if you invest $10,000 at a 7% annual interest rate and leave it untouched for 40 years, you will end up with $149,745. But if you wait until you’re 40 to invest the same amount, you will only have $58,902 after 20 years. That’s a difference of $90,843!
– You can benefit from employer-sponsored retirement plans. Many employers offer retirement plans such as 401(k)s or HSAs (Health Savings Account) that allow you to save money for retirement on a pre-tax or tax-deferred basis. Some employers also match your contributions up to a certain percentage, which is essentially free money. By enrolling in these plans as soon as you’re eligible, you can maximize your savings and reduce your taxable income.
– You can diversify your portfolio and take more risks. When you have a long time horizon until retirement, you can afford to invest in more aggressive and volatile assets that have higher potential returns. As you get closer to retirement, you can gradually shift to more conservative and stable assets. This way, you can balance your risk and reward and optimize your portfolio performance.
– You can achieve financial independence and flexibility. Saving for retirement in your 20s means you have more options and control over your financial future. You can decide when and how to retire, whether it’s early, late, or somewhere in between. You can also pursue your passions and hobbies without worrying about money. You can travel the world, start a business, volunteer for a cause, or do whatever makes you happy.

Retirement planning may not be the most exciting thing to do in your 20s, but it’s one of the most important. By starting early and being consistent, you can enjoy the benefits of compound interest, employer-sponsored plans, portfolio diversification, and financial independence. Retirement planning is not only about saving money; it’s about investing in yourself and your future.

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