Many of the young couples I meet come to me in a panic because they feel they are behind on retirement savings, late in buying a house, or overdue in thinking about their children’s education expenses.

Many of the young couples I meet come to me in a panic because they feel they are behind on retirement savings, late in buying a house, or overdue in thinking about their children’s education expenses. They often compare themselves to their parents or peers and feel inadequate or stressed. They wonder if they are doing something wrong or if they have missed some crucial steps in planning their financial future. I try to reassure them that they are not alone and that they can still achieve their goals with some smart strategies and realistic expectations. I share some of the common challenges that young couples face today and how they can overcome them. I also offer some tips on how to prioritize their spending, saving, and investing decisions based on their values and needs. Finally, I provide some resources and tools that can help them track their progress and stay motivated along the way.

Ultimately, we know that the market sees all. There is a built-in efficiency that is dependently undependable. From the panic of 1819 to today, we have seen it all. We prepare for the certainty of uncertainty though and we keep in mind that “This too shall pass” whether its good times or bad.

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