Let’s Talk About Living with Student Loans
If you are like millions of Americans, you probably have some student debt. Whether it’s from college, graduate school, or a vocational program, student loans can be a huge burden on your finances and your mental health. But don’t despair, there are ways to cope with...
Financial Planning Items to Consider When Your Child Turns 18
If you have a child who is about to turn 18, you may be wondering what financial planning steps you should take to help them transition into adulthood. Here are some items to consider: - Health Care Directive: This document allows your child to name someone who can...
Should You Have a Budget?
Many people think that having a budget is a hassle or a restriction on their spending habits. They may believe that budgeting is only for those who have a low income or a lot of debt. However, this is not true. Budgeting is a powerful tool that can help anyone achieve...
I’ve been laid off-Now what?
Losing your job can be a devastating experience. You may feel angry, betrayed, scared, or depressed. You may wonder how you will pay your bills, find a new job, or cope with the stress. You are not alone. Millions of people face unemployment every year, and many of...
The Recent Bank Collapses and what it Means for You.
In the past few months, several major banks around the world have announced their bankruptcy or insolvency, leaving millions of customers and investors in a state of shock and uncertainty. What caused these bank failures and how will they affect you and your money?...
Why retirement planning in your 20’s is important.
It’s true that money does not buy happiness, but it does allow you to retire or rewire on your terms. Retirement may seem like a distant goal when you're in your 20s, but it's never too early to start planning for your future. By saving and investing wisely from a...
What should I do with my old 401k?
If you have an old 401k account from a previous employer, you might be wondering what to do with it. There are several options available to you, each with its own pros and cons. Here are some of the most common ones: - Leave it where it is. This might be a good option...
Boeing Pension and Lump Sum Comparison – Should I Retire Early?
If you are a Boeing employee who is eligible for retirement, you may be wondering whether to take your pension as a monthly annuity or a lump sum payment. This is a big decision that can affect your financial security and lifestyle for the rest of your life. Lets...
10 Secrets Successful Retirees Know
Retirement is a major life transition that many people look forward to. However, not everyone is prepared for the challenges and opportunities that retirement brings. How can you make the most of your golden years? Here are 10 secrets that successful retirees know and...
Are there investment strategies that take into consideration growth and taxation post-retirement?
Many people who are planning for retirement focus on how to accumulate enough savings to fund their desired lifestyle. However, there is another important aspect of retirement planning that is often overlooked: how to optimize the growth and taxation of your...
Why your 401k may not be enough
If you are saving for retirement, you may have heard of the 401k plan. This is a type of employer-sponsored retirement account that allows you to contribute a portion of your pre-tax income and invest it in a variety of options. Your employer may also match some or...
Generational wealth transfer: What is and how is it done?
Generational wealth transfer is the process of passing down assets and resources from one generation to another. It can be a powerful way to create and sustain financial stability and prosperity for your family and future generations. However, it also involves complex...
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